quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009



Hi dear people.
Hoje vou falar um pouco sobre o Phrasal Verb PULL...
Alias vou falar não, vou colocar alguns exemplos e gostaria que vocÊs me deixassem feedbacks.

So, have a nice day...
and... talk to u soon guys...


Meaning - Phrasal verb - Meaning in PortuguÊs

1.arrive - pull in - Chegar
2.demolish - pull down - Demolir
3.depress sb - pull down - Deprimir, pressionar
4.dig up - pull out - Desenterrar, tirar
5.leave - pull out - Deixar, partir
6.overtake - pull ahead - Ultrapassar
7.put on clothes/dress - pull on - Vestir-se
8.recover from illness - pull through - Recuperar-se (doença)
9.remove - pull off - Remover
10.score a goal when behind - pull back - Marcar ponto qd perdendo
11.stop a car - pull up - Parar
12.stop by the side of the road - pull in - Encostar (acostamento)
13.stop from fighting - pull apart - Separar briga
14.support - pull for - Dar suporte, ajudar alguém
15.work/compete as a team - pull together - Trabalhar juntos, se unir

Exemplos: Será que você entendeu todos os significados??? Se não entendeu deixe um recadinho ou mande um e-mail para english.with.elen@gmail.com.

1.A whole block is being pulled down to build a new shopping centre.

2.Excuse me, when the bus for York pulls out?

3.Greg had an unusual disease and nobody knew if he was going to pull through.

4.In every grocery store the products to be over the expiring date have to be pulled off.

5.Just one more circle to finish the race…Look! Louis Hamilton is pulling ahead.

6.Let’s pull together and get this job done.

7.Lucy pulled on her new shoes and went to school.

8.Sam was really pulled down by the recent news about his job future.

9.The dentist told me he would have to pull out my tooth.

10.The lorry pulled up at the traffic lights.

11.The policeman showed the driver to pull over to the side of the road.

12.The teacher has to pull two fighting boys apart in the classroom.

13.The train pulled in right on time.

14.The Yankees pulled back to even in the last second of the match.

15.Who are you pulling for in the Eurovision Song Contest?

Um comentário:

Aline disse...

Cool ELen.