quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2009

Frases com o verbo GO!

Hi folks!!!

How´s it going???

Bom espero que vocês estejam gostando e aproveitando as dicas.
Finalmente consegui postar este video.

See ya

to go away - to leave a place or a person's company
Please go away. I'd like to be alone for a while.

to go by - 1)to pass (for time) 2) to pass a place
Several years went by before he saw his wife / I go by this café every morning on the way to work.

to go in 1) to enter 2)to fit
I went in and was shocked…
The sofa is too big. It won't go in the sitting room.

to go down to get smaller or decrease
The price has gone down by at least 20 percent.

to go in for to have a hobby
He goes in for football.

to go on 1)to continue 2)to happen
Please, go on! The story is so interesting!
What’s going on? There are so many policemen here.

to go through to finish
Have you gone through with the newspaper? I’d like to read it too.

to go with 1)match or suit 2) accompany
I’ll go with you. It´s very dangerous.
I think this red handbag goes with my new shoes.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Éssas frases são verbos frasais,bem dificil para quem tem dificuldades para decora-las ou não tem pelo menos feito o básico e o intermediário