terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009

How can I help you?

Giving advice! – dando conselhos

What should I do? – o que eu deveria fazer?

You should… você deveria…

You should study English every other Day!

- every other day – um dia sim um não

You should read more!

- read more – ler mais

What else? – Que mais?

What´s your problem?

I´m sad!
You should cheer up.

- cheer up – animar-se, alegrar-se

I´m thirsty!
You should have something to drink.

- something to drink – algo pra beber.

I'm cold!
You should wear a coat.

- wear a coat – usar um casaco.

So, now...
What´s you problem?
Can I help you?

I hope I can help you guys.

Elen Fernandes

Um comentário:

Ana disse...

Hi teacher, I didn´t have time to see your tips this weekend, but today I saw everything.
It´s very nice and helpful.