sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

Things I can do with my eyes!

Things I can do with my eyes:


stare – encarar, olhar fixamente
see - ver
glance - olhar de relance, dar uma olhadinha
peep - dar uma olhada, espreitar
wink - piscar
spy - espionar
cry - chorar
watch - assistir
gape - ficar boquiaberto , ficar bobo
look - olhar
read - ler
gaze - olhar fixo
glimpse - dar uma olhadinha, espiar
frown - franzir as sobrancelhas

Let´s practice:

__________ myself in the mirror.
__________ at you in the face.
__________ through the curtain.
__________ at my friends.
__________ TV all day long.
__________ when I'm shocked.
__________ round to see them.
__________ you like me!
__________ for the stars.
__________ when I don’t believe.
__________ at you because I’m in love!
___________ a magazine while I’m waiting.
__________ for more information.
__________ if I'm unhappy.

Ok guys, that´s all for today!!!

Hope you like it!
Elen Fernandes

Um comentário:

Ana disse...

very nice teacher