quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Expressing quantity!

Hey folks, a pedido estou colocando uma lista de Exercicios para vocês praticarem mais o uso de Many, Much... enfim, é usando que se aprende.

Qualquer dúvida meu e-mail é english.with.elen@gmail.com.
Estarei feliz de ajudar.

I hope you enjoy it.



Affirmative, negative and interrogative (uncountable and plural nouns)

Ex: I’ve got a lot of books.
I haven’t got a lot of comic books.
Have you got a lot of cds?


Interrogative and negative (uncountable nouns)

Ex: There is too much milk.
There isn’t much.
How much milk is there?


Affirmative, interrogative and negative (plural nouns).

Ex: I have many friends.
How many spoons are there?
There aren’t many.


Affirmative (uncountable and plural) It is also used in questions for offers and requests.

Ex: I want some water, please.
I have some oranges.
Would you like some sugar in your coffee?
Can I drink some water?


Interrogative and negative (uncountable and plural)

Ex: Have you got any water? No, I haven’t got any.
Has she got any potatoes? No, she hasn´t got any.


Affirmative, negative and interrogative (plural nouns).

Ex: I’ve got few books.
Have you got few apples? Yes, I’ve got few.


Affirmative, negative and interrogative (uncountable nouns).

Ex: I’ve got little butter.
Has she got little butter? Yes, she´s got little.


1- Fill the blank spaces with much or many.

1. How ______ apples did you buy?
2. How ______ do you weigh?
3. How ______ does the book cost?
4. How ______ oranges have you got?
5. How ______ times have you flown?
6. How ______ was your computer?
7. How ______ photos did you take?
8. How ______ water did he drink?
9. How ______ people did you invite?
10. How ______ mistakes did you make?
11. How ______ children are there here?
12. How ______ butter did you get?
13. How ______ furniture did you buy?
14. How ______ ice-cream do you eat?
15. How ______ water do you drink?
16. How ______ salad do you want?
17. How ______ jam does she want?
18. How ______ sandwiches shall I make?

2- A. Fill in the blanks with some or any:

1. There isn't ___ food in the refrigerator, is there?
2. I bought ____ bread and ____ cheese at the supermarket.
3. We don't have ___ sugar or flour to make the cake.
4. Don't close the door. There are still ___ children outside.
5. Why don't you decorate the room with ___ white flowers?
6. ___ people prefer to study in the morning; others at night.
7. There aren't ___ books on this topic in the library.
8. I gave him ___ medicine for his headache, so he feels much better now.
9. I have ___ dictionaries in my room that you are welcome to use.
10. Here are ___ nice ripe apples.
11. ___ matter what he does, they will not accept him in the group.
12. They haven't asked us ___ questions so far.
13. He doesn't want ___ dessert because he's on a diet.
14. He always gives ___ money to charity. He's a very generous person.
15. We are taking a short ride. There isn’t ___ time for a long one.

If you want to do the exercise and send to me I´ll be happy to correct it.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

Unknown disse...

na seção "MUCH" vc menciona:Interrogative and negative (uncountable nouns).

O que esta frase esta fazendo no exemplo:There is too much milk.?